

There is a man in my small town who owns a small diner called "Best Bet." I frequent this restaurant because they give you "toast baskets" (who doesn't like large baskets of carbs and strawberry jelly?) and because the owner looks astonishingly like the Monopoly Man. Or, some kind of chartoon character. He has white hair, a poofy white mustache, and large fan-like eyebrows. His glasses frames are circular and he is always raising an eyebrow. He even wears a white chef's hat, and stripped pants. And each time I see him, I am filled with wonder. I want to draw him and submit him to a television station... "HERE! Make this man into a tv show!"

Not that I'm a stalker or anything, I just like when people have interesting facial characteristics. I love the weird, the odd, the alramingly beautiful or handsome, the strange, and the fantastic in other people. I am what an old friend once called a "People Watcher."

Once, Steve and I were sitting at the mall, watching the people pass by in front of him. I'd nudge him, saying, "Check out that lady's ponytail, it goes down to her butt!" or, "Oh my god that man has no eyebrows..." He'd laugh, and shake his head everytime. We didn't talk, we just watched.

I finally asked him why this was so funny. He explained, "You love doing this.. Its like you could sit here for days and just..observe everyone. And its not like you're doing it in a bad way, you're just watching, and noticing." I could tell the look on my face was shock - was I THAT person? Was I a stalker? He could tell I was bothered, "There's nothing wrong with it, you're just observing, learning from people. You're a people-watcher."

And what I need to know is, does anyone else do this? Or am I the only weirdo?


  1. Cracking up...I TOTALLY do this. I also love finding celebrity and old high school "look-a-likes." I sit and observe people for hours...but then again, I'm a little weird. :-P

  2. Dont you worry cg, I do this on a daily basis. But then again, we did decide we were both really weird. YAY for weirdos and the house bunny :)

  3. Haha, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one. I also LOVE it when people resemble animals. There is a girl at my school who looks EXACTLY like a lion, and it cracks me up every time I see her. Weirdos unite :)


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