

I have to confess to you all, (because I can't lie to you any longer):

I am officially obsessed with Katy Perry.

Now, before you click out of this screen, you have to know, this isn't by choice. She brainwashed me with her funky beats, hilarious lyrics, and adorable personality. I'm the victime here, I swear..

LET IT BE KNOWN.. I am still really really really irritated by "I Kissed A Girl", in fact, I think it's pretty fucking ridiculous, but by first note, I was pretty much in a trance with "Hot 'N Cold."

I guess it was because EVERYTHING SHE SAID WAS 100 % TRUE. Being a high school senior, my dating pool is pretty..limited. Most of the guys my age are ridiculous, can't keep up their minds, and are an embarrassment. Their definition of "style" is too see how many times they can wear the same pants in a row, and the extent of their vocabulary are words like: dude, party, what's up, hook up, tite, cool.

Its sickening, really.

And trust me, absolutely NONE of them can figure out exactly what they want - and most of the time, they decide on the slutty girls who will give them anything they want. Yeah, at first they start talking to me, acting like they're all interested and whatnot, and then some slutty bitch walks by and then the guy always goes from "six PM to midnight", and I'm basically outta the picture.

In Katy's words: They're hot, then they're cold. They're yes, then they're no. They're wrong, when it's right.

Will it ever change? Or, will I always be surrounded by morons?

For now, I'll be dancing in my kitchen to Katy Perry and making cookies. Cookies trump boys, every time.

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